Perhaps I should have gotten these out sooner since the task of culling out the bottom two tracks per mix should be 33% easier this year. I only received two mixes this time around instead of the usual three. Although I did have to come up with 4 personal songs I disliked to hit the minimum 8 needed to post an 8Track.
It's an interesting exercise trying to come up with songs you hate. It's easy to recognize a song you hate when it randomly comes on the radio or while streaming, but to sit down and intentionally list out a few is not an effortless process. One normally doesn't think too often about songs they dislike nor are they readily available; you have to do a little mental searching. Coming up with the four additional tracks wasn't a significant struggle or anything but I would have an easier time coming up with 100 tracks I loved versus 100 tracks I hated.
That's not to say I hated any of the bottom songs I got this year, it's all relative with them. I had to pick two. As for the four personal songs I added to the end, I would say they'd likely be in my 100 most hated tracks list if I ever sat down and thought about it.
Roll the ugliness!