Sunday, June 03, 2012

Victor's Ultimate Birthday "Meh"-ga Mix '12

Now that we've had our fun doling out birthday mix CD cheers, it's time to move on to the jeers. As much as the top twenty Mega Mix is on its way to becoming a tradition, so is the dreaded bottom ten "Meh"-ga Mix. Believe me, I take far more joy in evaluating and selecting my favorite tracks than panning out the bottom percentile. The decisions become a lot more difficult and the whole thing probably takes me twice as long as the former (but since I'm only making half as may selections, I guess it actually takes the same amount of time then).

Despite the difficulty, I still feel it's necessary and that people are curious to see the results. I've always preferred reading negative and the "Jeers" over the "Cheers" in TV Guide. In addition it's another excuse to put together another mix compilation; can't pass up that kind of opportunity. As to the mix, I do wonder if it is actually better for a song to be selected for the bottom compilation than just be the solid majority songs that aren't good or bad enough for either mix compilation. After all, I remember the tracks of last year's worst of mix far better than all the superior songs that avoided relegation. Is it preferable to be memorably notorious than forgettably solid?

It's something to ponder while listening to these personally "blah" tracks.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Victor's Ultimate Birthday Mega Mix '12

The first of June has comes around again, which can only mean one thing (well aside from International Children's Day): it's the release of the 2012 edition of "Victor's Ultimate Birthday Mega Mix"! Now, my personal rule is that it takes at least three successful years before I dub anything a legitimate "tradition" so I won't go as far as to call this one as such. However with another successful turnout of five mix CDs it would appear that VUBMM Day is well on it's way to becoming a cherished international holiday and essential fixture of summer (of course this is all also based on the assumption that I will keep on living for years to come).

Once again, I would like to formally thank everyone who acknowledged my birthday last month from the emptiest of casual Facebook shout outs to those who hung around with me to my sleepiest/drunkest of moments. Special thanks go out to the mix makers as none of this would have been possible without your contributions. If anyone else would like to be considered next year, all you need is a mix (and perhaps a tolerance for harsh criticism).

Once again, as for my listening process, all the mixes were carefully evaluated on an individual basis via my car stereo over multiple weeks and countless miles of commuting on the New Jersey Turnpike.

And don't forget, the fun continues tomorrow with the release of the 2012 edition of the "worst of" mix!